Cocif opens up to transport efficiency

Cocif opens up to transport efficiency

Doors have no secrets for Cocif. With its 75-year long history, a catalogue comprising over 300 models and a production capacity of over 200,000 pieces including doors and windows, the company is quite rightly one of Italy’s sector leaders.

But once the doors are made, how can they be delivered to customers quickly and with a cost-effective approach? This is where Onit comes into play. With its On.Plant software suite, it enabled Cocif to streamline all its shipping and transport processes.

With On.Plant, Cocif can now formulate a structured a load plan and a travel plan, both compatible with the aim of monitoring and minimising transport costs.

Journeys are planned on a cartographic support, a tool that allows you to make the most of all potential delivery synergies with the aim of both optimising the mileage covered and reducing the number of journeys. For every journey you can view the cost of transport in real time, quantify its impact and consider whether it is suitable and cost-effective.

Moreover, at the end of the month, the management control operators have at their disposal a report with all the transport services used and the related cost items, so as to easily monitor the situation and quickly check the invoices issued by the providers.

Efficiency? Brought to you by Onit (it’s time to say it)!